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Sander L. Gilman [44]Sander Lawrence Gilman [1]
  1. Black Bodies, White Bodies: Toward an Iconography of Female Sexuality in Late Nineteenth-Century Art, Medicine, and Literature.Sander L. Gilman - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):204-242.
    This essay is an attempt to plumb the conventions which exist at a specific historical moment in both the aesthetic and scientific spheres. I will assume the existence of a web of conventions within the world of the aesthetic—conventions which have elsewhere been admirably illustrated—but will depart from the norm by examining the synchronic existence of another series of conventions, those of medicine. I do not mean in any way to accord special status to medical conventions. Indeed, the world is (...)
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  2. Happiness and Unhappiness as a "Jewish Question".Sander L. Gilman - 2010 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 77 (2):545-568.
    Happiness is multiple, conflicting ideas - often changing from context to context with each change presaging a cascade of different meanings and interpretations. In this essay I shall try to link a number of them in a manner that is not causal but, I hope, rather evocative. I want to begin with a specific "Jewish" turn in the history of the concept of happiness at the close of the nineteenth century - one that turns out not to be very "Jewish" (...)
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    The Nervous System.Sander L. Gilman - 1992
    Based on anthropological fieldwork in Australia and Colombia, this collection of essays uses the workings of the human nervous system to illustrate concepts of culture.
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    Creating Beauty to Cure the Soul: Race and Psychology in the Shaping of Aesthetic Surgery.Sander L. Gilman & Sander Lawrence Gilman - 1998
    Why do physicians who've taken the Hippocratic Oath willingly cut into seemingly healthy patients? How do you measure the success of surgery aimed at making someone happier by altering his or her body? Sander L. Gilman explores such questions in Creating Beauty to Cure the Soul, a cultural history of the connections between beauty of body and happiness of mind. Following these themes through an impressive range of historical moments and players, Gilman traces how aesthetic alterations of the body have (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Friedrich Nietzsche on Rhetoric and Language.Sander L. Gilman, Carole Blair & David J. Parent - 1990 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 52 (2):362-362.
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    Conversations with Nietzsche: A Life in the Words of His Contemporaries.Sander L. Gilman & David J. Parent (eds.) - 1987 - New York: Oup Usa.
    These eighty-seven memoirs, anecdotes, and informal recollections by a broad range of reporters reflect both the reality and the myths surrounding this legendary figure. Together, they cover the entire span of Nietzsche's life and yield new insights into Nietzsche as a thinker and as a commentator on his times, recounting his views on religion, philosophy, women, literature, arts, and some of the great thinkers and historical figures.
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    Theory’s Empire: Reflections on a Vocation for Critical Inquiry.Stanley Fish, Peter Galison, Sander L. Gilman, Miriam Hansen, Harry Harootunian, Fredric Jameson, Jerome McGann, J. Hillis Miller, Robert Morgan & Robert Pippin - 2004 - Critical Inquiry 30 (2):396.
  8.  53
    Is Life Beautiful? Can the Shoah Be Funny? Some Thoughts on Recent and Older Films.Sander L. Gilman - 2000 - Critical Inquiry 26 (2):279-308.
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    Are jews smarter than everyone else?Sander L. Gilman - 2008 - Mens Sana Monographs 6 (1):41.
    The debate about "race" and "intelligence" seems to be never ending. The "special nature" of the intelligence ascribed to "Jews" has recently reappeared in an essay by one of the authors of the notorious study of race and intelligence - The Bell Curve . How this debate is constructed and what its implications are for the reappearance of "race" as a category in medical and biological science is at the core of this present essay.
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    “Stand Up Straight”: Notes Toward a History of Posture.Sander L. Gilman - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (1):57-83.
    The essay presents a set of interlinked claims about posture in modern culture. Over the past two centuries it has come to define a wide range of assumptions in the West from what makes human beings human (from Lamarck to Darwin and beyond) to the efficacy of the body in warfare (from Dutch drill manuals in the 17th century to German military medical studies of soldiers in the 19th century). Dance and sport both are forms of posture training in terms (...)
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    Anti-Semitism and the body in psychoanalysis.Sander L. Gilman - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    By a nose: On the construction of 'foreign bodies'.Sander L. Gilman - 1999 - Social Epistemology 13 (1):49 – 58.
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    Bilingualism in the World of Health and Illness.Sander L. Gilman - 2008 - Journal of Medical Humanities 29 (3):137-146.
    The movement of peoples across linguistic boundaries means the existence of individuals who speak, to a greater or lesser extent, more than one language. How such individuals have in the past and can in the present serve as mediators within the health care system is described and the need for closer attention to such resources stressed.
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    Begegnungen mit Nietzsche.Sander L. Gilman & Ingeborg Reichenbach (eds.) - 1981 - Bonn: Bouvier.
    Verslagen van ontmoetingen met de Duitse filosoof (1844-1900) die een sleutel tot zijn werk bieden.
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    "Braune Nacht": Friedrich Nietzsche's Venetian Poems.Sander L. Gilman - 1972 - Nietzsche Studien 1 (1):247-260.
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    Collaboration, the Economy, and the Future of the Humanities.Sander L. Gilman - 2004 - Critical Inquiry 30 (2):384.
  17.  3
    Following the Science in the Age of COVID-19.Sander L. Gilman - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-17.
    This article discusses the complexity of the relationship between “law,” “science,” and “clinical practice” in the age of COVID-19.
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  18. Heine, Nietzsche und die Vorstellung vom Juden (1997).Sander L. Gilman - 2014 - In Christian Niemeyer, Friedrich Nietzsche. Darmstadt: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    (1 other version)Essay Review: Photography of the Insane: Invention de l'hysterie: Charcot et l'iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière.Sander L. Gilman - 1983 - History of Science 21 (4):432-434.
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    Interview: Isaac Bashevis Singer.Sander L. Gilman & Isaac Bashevis Singer - 1974 - Diacritics 4 (1):30.
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  21.  27
    Incipit parodia: The function of parody in the lyrical poetry of Friedrich Nietzsche.Sander L. Gilman - 1975 - Nietzsche Studien 4 (1):52-74.
  22.  15
    Nietzsche auf Englisch, 1945 —1976: Ein Forschungsbericht.Sander L. Gilman - 1977 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 2 (2):40-51.
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  23. Ns-Literaturtheorie Eine Dokumentation.Sander L. Gilman - 1971 - Athenäum.
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    Nietzschean Parody: An Introduction to Reading Nietzsche.Sander L. Gilman - 2001 - Davies Group Publishers.
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    Otto Eiser and nietzsche’s illness: A hitherto unpublished text.Sander L. Gilman - 2009 - Nietzsche Studien 38 (1):396-409.
    One of the central texts in the debate about the etiology of Nietzsche's 'illness' is an unpublished interview with one of his physicians, Otto Eiser, by Eugen Kretzer. here reproduced in its totality for the first time, the text reveals much about the debate about the origin and meaning of Nietzche's illness in his own time and among his acquaintances . This exchange has long been believed to have shaped Nietzsche's late break with Bayreuth.Das Interview von Eugen Kretzer mit Otto (...)
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    Polemic: Religion as Aesthetic Form: Observations on Fellini's I Clowns.Sander L. Gilman - 1971 - Diacritics 1 (2):56.
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    Salome, Syphilis, Sarah Bernhardt und die "Moderne Jüdin".Sander L. Gilman - 1997 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 49 (2):160-183.
  28.  5
    The Fortunes of the Humanities: Thoughts for After the Year 2000.Sander L. Gilman - 2000 - Stanford University Press.
    In an era of attacks on the humanities by the right (“Goethe is not taught anymore!”) and the left (“Why teach dead white males?”), a distinguished teacher and scholar presents a series of closely interconnected exercises in understanding the present state and future possibilities of the humanities.
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    The Struggle of Psychiatry with Psychoanalysis: Who Won?Sander L. Gilman - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (2):293-313.
    What if Wittgenstein and Popper were right after all? What is psychoanalysis is not “scientific,” not scientific by any contemporary definition—including Adolf Grünbaum’s—but what if it works all the same?1 What if psychoanalysis is all right in practice, but the theory isn’t scientific? Indeed, what if “science” is defined ideologically rather than philosophically? If we so redefine “science,” it is not to dismiss psychoanalysis but to understand its origin and impact, to follow the ideological dialectic between the history of psychiatry, (...)
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  30.  19
    The Wellborn science: Eugenics in Germany, France, Brazil and Russia.Sander L. Gilman - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (2-3):375-376.
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    Vico's science of imagination.Sander L. Gilman - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (1):124-125.
  32. Brill Online Books and Journals.Ulrich Mell, Herbert Jaumann, Christoph Schulte & Sander L. Gilman - 1997 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 49 (2).
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  33. Edited volumes-abgetrieben.Alexander Polzin & Sander L. Gilman - 1998 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 20 (1):131-131.
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    Representing Health and Illness: Thoughts for the 21st century. [REVIEW]Sander L. Gilman - 2011 - Journal of Medical Humanities 32 (2):69-75.
    The on-going discussion about a new empiricism in the study of the medical humanities has lead to a misapprehension about the problems attendant to representing health and illness. The difficulty in understanding the politics of health and illness as well as the concomitant new aestheticism that has arisen concerning its representation demands a rethinking of these categories in the 21st century. Obesity can provide a model for the importance of this problem today.
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    Eric Plemons. The Look of a Woman: Facial Feminization Surgery and the Aims of Trans- Medicine. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2017. 208 pp. [REVIEW]Sander L. Gilman - 2018 - Critical Inquiry 45 (1):238-239.
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    Luise Hirsch. From the Shtetl to the Lecture Hall: Jewish Women and Cultural Exchange. xiv + 319 pp., illus., bibl., index. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 2013. $32.35. [REVIEW]Sander L. Gilman - 2015 - Isis 106 (4):964-965.
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    Amelia Bonea; Melissa Dickson; Sally Shuttleworth; Jennifer Wallis. Anxious Times: Medicine and Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Britain. (Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century.) vii + 312 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019. $50 (cloth). E-book available. [REVIEW]Sander L. Gilman - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):677-678.
  38.  27
    Jews and Germans: Old Quarrels, New DeparturesRevolutionary Antisemitism in Germany: From Kant to WagnerThe Transformation of German Jewry, 1780-1840Jewish Self-Hatred: Anti-Semitism and the Hidden Language of the Jews. [REVIEW]Anthony J. La Vopa, Paul Lawrence Rose, David Sorkin & Sander L. Gilman - 1993 - Journal of the History of Ideas 54 (4):675.
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